Kendra Solow, one of our canna-crushes and a huge inspiration in the space, is helping people eliminate their health obstacles one puff at a time.
Kendra Solow's passion for fitness and wellness started at the early age of 13 when her father got her a membership to the YMCA. She taught a range of programs from water aerobics to cycling before starting Mind Body Physique (MBP) in 2014.
MBP started from humble beginnings," I started MBP from an ancient Dell laptop! I advertised personal training, yoga and holistic health consulting on Craigslist, Facebook and with homemade flyers, I would print at the library in town. I ran small business wellness programs, taught yoga classes & travelled to clients homes for personal training and holistic health consulting."
Kendra was able to combine her experience of healing with cannabis and apply that into the MBP cannabis fitness success system. Through her relationship with cannabis, which she was introduced to while in recovery for an eating disorder at 19, she tapped into the potential it provides to help create balance within the mind and body. She notes, "Cannabis has the potential to assist the body during physical activity by encouraging each individual to move their body as it needs."
Solow wants to break the stigma that exercise and cannabis don’t mix, "Cultures have been combining cannabis and movement for centuries. It’s nothing new!" She believes that it is vital for consumers to understand their own personal relationship with cannabis to get the most out of the experience; "Being intentional and respecting it as medicine, is important for creating a healthy, balanced lifestyle."

Solow has found that there is a range of benefits within the fitness space when it comes to cannabis consumption which varies from person to person from pain management to cardio, "Everyone has a different relationship with cannabis and movement. Some folks instantly want to stretch after they smoked and others wanna go tear up leg day. It really has the potential to assist the body during physical activity."
When it comes to being a canna-prenuer, Solow had this to say about people trying to venture into the field, "Just start anywhere you see a gap. You never know where it will lead you! Two summers ago I was just writing for cannabis companies, now I’m running my own cannabis-related business."
Outside of creating online workout programs, Solow is also focused on throwing Cannabis Wellness Parties, "I just hosted our second cannabis wellness party in San Diego last weekend. It was a 420 bus tour to dispensaries and we did a Lit Fit sunset sesh by the coast."
She's also currently in the process of planning a local wellness event with her yogi soul sister Alex Moss in Naples, FL.
Solow hopes to change people's misinterpretations of the canna-community, " Some think that they’re wasting their life away smoking, but most cannabis users I know, use cannabis to enhance their lifestyles & to enjoy life more fully." Through cannabis fitness, she has tapped into a way to break the stigma while helping people change their lives for the better every day.
For anyone struggling with reaching their health goals inside or out of the canna-space, Solow recommends that they tap into their own movement style, "Take notice how you feel after different types of workouts, for example, dancing, yoga, jogging, swimming, biking, strength training, etc. Find what feels BEST for you & then enjoy yourself! Music is a great tool for this cause it provokes different emotions that want to move through your body. Moove it and groove it."

Kendra provides her clients with a success plan that incorporates cannabis into their workouts. She offers private online cannabis fitness training, ebook workouts & a Movement Master Class on Demand. She is currently working on her latest program, Cannabis Fitness Mother Nature Series (which we can't wait to check out). It’s Lit Fit workouts filmed all over the west coast from San Diego, Arizona, Colorado, Wyoming & Montana! Designed and programmed for the proactive cannabis user.
You can follow Kendra's gorgeous and inspiring Instagram account here and be sure to check out Mind Body Physique to learn more.
Photo Credit: Mind Body Physique