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Kris Haas, Founder, and CEO of The Botanica Boutique Talks Nature-Based Healing,Self-Care & Beyond

We were thrilled to chat with Kris Haas, Founder and CEO of The Botanica Boutique, about nature-based healing, self care and beyond! The Botanica Boutique offers a carefully-curated collection of high-end wellness products to help benefit your body and mind. They offer a personalized approach to plant-based wellness and stress the importance of self care being a necessity. We are big fans of quality plant based products to incorporate into our wellness and self care routines. Kris is doing a spectacular job of normalizing self-care and providing a path to amazing nature-based resources.

Like so many others we know, Kris found her path to wellness through necessity during her own self-care journey, navigating difficult things like anxiety, and navigating heavier times with the pandemic. When the pandemic first hit, Kris was teaching full-time and it was extremely hard on her anxiety levels. When the pandemic caused her anxiety to hit an all time high, she decided to search for some relief through plant medicine, and found major relief through CBD and cannabis-based products.

“As I chatted with my friends and neighbors, I found that I was not alone in this struggle. So many other people (especially women) were experiencing anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. At that point, the teacher side of me went to work and educated myself, and my friends, on the wonders of CBD and cannabis. I began to research and vet products to find ones that not only worked, but were of the highest quality. That’s how it all started!” We love that she was able to find relief just as many of us have through cannabis and its endless medicinal properties, and help form pathways for so many others to do the same.

Not only is The Botanica Boutique providing amazing options for consumers who can benefit from plant based medicine, they also provide consultations to help guide clientele towards the best personalized options for their unique experiences. (A personal consultation with Kris is part of our High, Happy and Healthy giveaway prize package)

CBD and cannabis aren’t ‘one-size-fits-all’. In my journey to find what works best for me, I’ve worked closely with others and learned that some products just work better for certain people than others. That’s why I started doing my consultations”. When meeting with clients, Kris begins with a questionnaire in order to understand what works best for the individual person. She then provides a bit of education on CBD and all things cannabis and answers any questions they may have, as well as a list of recommended products she thinks will work best for the client. For those who would like to try out a few things to test what works best for them, Product Packs are available for purchase, which include a variety of samples ranging in price from $25-$45, which include things such as gummies, oils, or a combination of both. Education on dispensary shopping is also provided in their consultation services. “There are a lot of strong THC strains out there and they can take people by surprise. It’s nice to learn a bit about what may help you best before shopping.” We think a lot of people out there can definitely benefit from a more educational approach to know what they are purchasing and what might be best for the individual and their needs.

For those who want to experiment with plant-based/natural medicine alternatives, Kris suggests starting low and going slow in order to find the right dosage for yourself. When it comes to CBD, consistency can be very effective. With CBD, the more often you take it, the better it works. Your body just figures out what to do with it in a more efficient manner.” As far as incorporating cannabis into her own wellness/daily routine, Kris usually will take an oil or tincture during the daytime to help her maintain a calm focus throughout the day. She really loves Xula’s Calm+Clarity oil amongst their many other amazing products. For evening time, she likes to take a full-spectrum CBD gummy such as Sunny Skies 25mg gummies to help her unwind and to feel more relaxed and present. As far as cannabis, you won’t see her choosing products based solely on high THC levels. “I am a big believer in microdosing. This is something else I help my clients with in the consultation process. On evenings when I need something stronger or I want a deeper sense of relaxation, I like to microdose cannabis with low-medium levels of THC. My ‘must do’ is mixing THC with CBD. It creates such a more balanced experience.”

The Botanica Boutique provides educational content and is rooted in representation and community support. Kris is very aware of how much information (and misinformation) is out there and how confusing it can be trying to shop amongst so many products, which is why her goal has always been to help people. “Nothing makes me happier or feel more fulfilled than when a client emails or texts me and says they finally got a full night of sleep.”

It’s inspiring how Kris has been able to be a resource for people whose quality of life can be greatly enhanced by plant-based medicine and wellness options.

When it comes to working with the community, The Botanica Boutique creates events around wellness and education, which allows people to come together and try something new that could help them. “I have held some outdoor ‘High Tea’ events that combine cannabis education with product sampling and restorative yoga (taught by a very talented friend).” We’re big fans of High Tea and yoga events and love that it brings together so many different people and we hope to see more wellness events and content from them in the future!

For those looking for some advice to kick off the new year in a more balanced and mindful way, or if you would just like to feel more calm and present around the people in your life, Kris shared that microdosing before and during events has allowed her to keep calm and on track as well as being present for the important people in her life. She also urges people to find a healthy balance in their life and make the time for self-care, which can look different for everyone and comes in many different forms.

“For instance, I just got a rowing machine and put it in my dining room, so that I can roll it into my living room - this way I know I’ll use it. I put on a show or movie that I’ve wanted to watch and row away! I’ve also been taking my husky on longer walks while listening to podcasts. When I need to just be in my own headspace for a little bit and tune out distractions, I do some yoga or take a hot bath. I incorporate CBD and cannabis into any and all of this, as it just deepens my sense of well-being and I get more out of each activity. Making the time and then deepening that sense of relaxation with a gummy/edible, oil, or pre-roll is incredibly rewarding.” We are all about all of these wonderful forms of self-care and the way that cannabis can truly enhance the effects and benefits of these activities.

Kris believes the one thing we all need more of is self-care, as we are living in a world that is so high stress on so many different levels, that it has become incredibly important to allow us to deal with the daily stresses of life.

“Using CBD and cannabis (and any plant-based medicine) is something that I’ve come to rely on. It’s an effective and all-natural approach to self-care. I like to think of it as an amplifier. It helps you to reach your full relaxation potential.” We couldn’t agree more!

When it comes to manifestations and what’s to come for the new year, The Botanica Boutique has future collaborations lined up with other women-owned businesses. Kris is also looking forward to expanding some things in 2023 for The Botanica Boutique. “I’m going into the third year of this business now and I’m so proud of what I’ve created and I can’t wait to see where it takes me next.” We love everything that she’s created in the last three years, so we are excited to see what the future holds for the company! To learn more about Kris and The Botanica Boutique follow them on IG @botanicaboutique and check out the site (where you can get 15% of your order if you sign up for their email list)


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