With the arrival of the Scorpio New Moon, the energy of this season begins to infuse within us.
Scorpio is represented by Death in Tarot, and we see this reflected in nature. The darkness swallows us more each day as we approach the winter solstice. It creates more opportunities for the unconscious material within us to surface slowly, as the gates to the underworld open.
The leaves, fauna, and remnants of harvested crops wither away. The air's touch becomes cold and crisp. Silence overtakes the humming of Summer, so we may better in tune with what autumn has in store for us. If we allow it, we are stripped down to the wisdom held in our bones, with the promise of being born again in the Spring.
The focus of this lunar cycle is to dive into our unconscious, to confront what is dead or dying within us. This requires steadfast honesty and can bring up waves of grief. This season supports us in this work, it's not fast work and that's okay.
Pluto rules Scorpio, and asks us remove what needs to die so we may expand, honor our ancestors as we reflect on their lessons, and make choices accordingly, creating new realities from this space.
I asked the Moon to support me in providing messages to whoever feels called to receive one. I have the following three messages to share.

Pile 1: 8 of Bongs / The Fool - The Ring
Conscious: There is an incredible amount of tension you’re experiencing at this moment. You hear the unknown path whisper and it calls to your inner wisdom. You’re oscillating between leaving a current reality for another, with the understanding that you’ll feel the impact emotionally no matter what you decide. At this stage of the bongs (cups), you’re tuning into your emotions, and through personal experience, trust you can overcome the painful parts of life. This isn’t a moment to rush your decision, hold deep compassion for yourself during this process.
Unconscious: There is a significant part of you that longs to emerge. This current cycle of your life has taught you so much about yourself and it strengthens your desire to be fully embodied in your Self. This part wants to embrace every quirk that you may suppress and to live authentically. No matter how your life transforms, the Fool knows how to move forward because the Fool creates the path. Follow this instinct, the one that unapologetically lives the way you know you’re meant to, no matter how foolish you’re considered.
The Ring: There was a quote I read recently that described life not as linear, but instead a spiral. This understanding allows us to accept that life has no ending without a beginning, this spiraling sequence that we experience is mirrored in the cosmos, our Earth and this connects us to it all and each other. The Ring is a call to ‘connect with self, others and the world at large’. Kim Krans asks: What rings do you wear? Which versions of yourself do they keep you tied to?

Pile 2:Â Page of Swords / 4 of Joints - The Threshold
Conscious: There is a lot of mental chatter going on at this moment. Many thoughts and ideas are beginning to connect at a speed that can be hard to keep up with. There is a lot of energy being extended at this moment in trying to make sense of what you’re thinking. When we get swept in the stream of our thinking, which in the case of the Page prioritizes theories, we lose touch with our ability to consider our personal experiences & opinions and those around us. Be mindful of when the verbal expression of your thoughts comes out harsher than necessary, even when true.
Unconscious: Though the domain of your mind may feel safer and is praised by our society, embracing our inner nature’s frequency drops us into our bodies and invites our intuition to guide our way. We remember the successes that exist beyond our ego’s need to be right, that bring us closer to the ways we know we’re meant to exist. Presence doesn’t require much thought, it brings out the irrational within and this opens us up to a slower way of living and enjoying life.
The Threshold: A threshold is anything that serves as a point of entry; to a new space, new way of thinking, new experiences, and potentially a new you. This may be where the thinking is compensating for the fact that in this season of Death, you’re being asked to shed what is already dying within you. It will be difficult for you to understand who you are during this process, and your mind cannot take you where you need to go for this part of the journey. This is a transitional period that's already unfolding, all you need to do is take one step forward at a time.

Pile 3: 6 of Bongs / 3 of Bongs (R) - The Tear
Conscious: This is a moment, often after experiencing profound grief, where you begin to feel life expanding around the grief. You remember that on the other side of grief, love exists. You're able to see the bigger picture and your perspective on where your values truly lie becomes clear. You're developing your capacity to feel into the depths of your unconscious, and this development strengthens your understanding around the ways you love and the fears you hold. This work requires us to courageously return to past versions of ourselves and listen to their wisdom.
Unconscious:Â I'm seeing a few experiences in your past that have created fear when it comes to connecting with your community. Perhaps your attempts to deepen your relationships (romantic, familial, friendship, etc) were not reciprocated, or there was more maturation on your part needed to be able to sustain the relationships that were important to you. You took the risk to connect, took a chance to truly feel, love and experience life. These painful experiences come with living and the key is to not allow these painful moments to diminish the very real need of experiencing joy and pleasure. Allow your past self to inform your current self.
The Tear: The moment to honor your grief has arrived; whether it is an acknowledgement of this pain you carry before you begin to move forward or you're finally allowing yourself to feel its impact. This process allows us to simultaneously hold where we're headed and where we have been. It's a moment of vulnerability that allows us to reach out, to be held. Go to where your tears are embraced.

We encourage you to explore the insights provided and reflect on how they resonate with your personal journey. For more beautiful insights, follow high.onpurpose on Instagram, and stay tuned for additional elevated esoteric tools and lunar teachings to support your growth and self-discovery!