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Elevated Esoteric: A Conversation with High.onpurpose about the Hunter’s Moon, Introspective Rituals, and Cannabis

We were thrilled to dive into the magical and spiritual energy of the Hunter’s Full Moon with High.onpurpose, who beautifully weaves cannabis into rituals like Tarot and uses the cycles of the moon to deepen self-reflection and transformation.

She explores how cannabis can enhance spiritual practices and discusses specific tarot spreads, the influence of astrological events like the Hunter’s Moon, and the best cannabis strains for grounding and shadow work.

What role does cannabis consumption play in enhancing spiritual practices like tarot?

What I love about inviting cannabis while practicing Tarot is how this plant grounds me and simultaneously supports me in surrendering to uncomfortable truths, that often come up when reading Tarot. I find cannabis softens the ego defenses and encourages an open frame of mind to receive & integrate messages.

Consuming cannabis is known to support homeostasis within our endocannabinoid system, which balances anything over or under-functioning within various parts of our body. I've been studying archetypal Tarot and have found that in the same way, Tarot can make us aware of how we can create more balance between our conscious and unconscious & maintain balance within our four functions (thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuitive).

How can the Hunter’s Moon influence self-reflection and transformation in our lives?

I live on the traditional and treaty territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Anishinaabeg and the signatories of the Williams Treaties. I came across Asha Frost, who shares Anishinaabe Ojibwe creation stories for each Full Moon in her book, 'You Are The Medicine'. I learned this month's Full Moon is the Biinaakwe Giizis (Falling Leaves Moon).

During the fall season, the trees remind us of the cyclical nature of the Earth. We witness their transformation, they let go of their leaves until they're bare. They store sugar from their leaves to their roots, to prevent themselves from freezing through the winter as they rest. We can learn from the trees; to let go of limiting beliefs, and to store/reallocate resources that sustain us while we begin to rest deeply.

The Biinaakwe Giizis is a transitional period, each day becomes darker and we approach the season of Death, marked by Scorpio season later this month. The darkness invites self-reflection. The energy of the seasons before us becomes quiet, and whatever has been bubbling beneath the surface of our unconscious begins to surface.

Aries Full Moon

This upcoming Full Moon is in Aries (the Emperor in Tarot) during Libra season (Justice in Tarot). We have the combining of opposite energies, with Aries ruled by Mars and Libra ruled by Venus. They're both cardinal signs which inspire a strong desire to initiate action & to usher in new experiences. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and with that comes a seemingly endless amount of energy and wonder. The Aries Full Moon reminds us to become shamelessly self-proclaimed; confident in our abilities and vision. The Full Moon illuminates all of our experiences and asks us to sort through the lessons that hold significance to us. This knowing fortifies the stability and authority Aries seeks to create within us. 

The Emperor's influence asks us to consider how we use our power in ways that align with our values, that supports maintaining order in our lives and allows us to follow through with what we set out to do. This action shows us who we want to be and illuminates what we need to do to get there.

Libra Season Influence

Libra season influences this energy by inviting discernment around what serves our authentic Self. We discern this through the feelings that arise in us; guilt, shame & anger when not aligned in our actions, and ease, calm, and excitement when we are. Libra’s venusian energy is focused on themes of love & relationship, so be mindful of how these dynamics play out in your relationships & understandings of love. 

The Full Moon illuminates where Justice swings her sword in defense, and mediates when we've lost balance in our choices and impulses, our own internal order. We're asked how we can prioritize peace, to ease Aries combative nature in ways that move us away from self-absorption and towards self-awareness. Consider these themes for the next two weeks until the New Moon arrives.

What tarot spreads are most effective for aligning with the full moon’s energy?

I’ve wondered if reading spreads for the Full & New Moons places the focus away from the messages that the Moon would like to share with me. While there is a level of predictability with the Moon through the phases, the Moon also requires us to surrender to the unknown. Especially when tapping into the Moon's unconscious energy; the messages feel potent when I surrender directing the questions and discover the questions I didn't know to ask.

The Moon in Tarot symbolizes the journey we must travel within the depths of our subconscious. This space often holds the parts we refuse to look at or may not even be aware of; fears, desires, impulses, our shadows, and the tensions all these parts create within us. The Moon lowers the conscious mind and invites the unconscious to meet & discover new truths.

A practice I've adopted is shuffling my deck until it feels right. I go through the deck until I find the Moon. I take the card above and below the Moon, representing messages from my conscious and unconscious, that want to come through. The conscious reflects the light of the Sun, our higher Self. I consider: where is my energy being consciously directed at this moment? How is my consciousness influenced by my unconscious? What knowledge does the Moon wish to share with me through my unconscious? Consider all questions and observations that come up for you through the images of the cards.

Which strains are best for grounding, shadow work, and introspection during rituals?

I've found that looking for specific terpenes and understanding the energy of cannabinoids (like THC, CBD, CBG) helps to choose a strain that will provide a grounding and introspective experience. I'm sharing from my own experiences and experiences shared by others but your body may respond differently. Our endocannabinoid systems are unique & it’s a great practice in tuning into how your body physically responds to cannabis.

I look for strains that contain CBD & CBG. If you have the option, getting CBD or CBG flower is a great way to include their presence in any THC-rich flower you're consuming. I find that CBD has a sedating effect and feels grounding in the body while CBG has a focused effect and feels grounding in the mind. I like to intuitively create my blends, adding whatever feels like the right amount.

CBD decreases the effects of THC; so the intoxicating effects of THC are not as dominant and allow for greater introspection. This also reduces the chances of THC-induced anxiety in the moments difficult messages come through. CBG has been known to provide an uplifting experience, and I find the combination of all three to be a gentle support through shadow work. It provides ease and support in maintaining focus on the bigger picture.

I look for the following terpenes: Linalool, Myrcene, and Terpineol, who support with inviting ease and are known to have sedating effects. Limonene & Cineole are known to provide uplifting effects and tend to be mentally stimulating. They are all known to support anxiety. The exploration of the unconscious & shadow work will be uncomfortable, and I find these terpenes supportive in navigating & experiencing the difficult emotions that arise.

If consuming with a vape, try to find live resin or rosin to get the closest experience to consuming flower, they may list terpenes. I’ve found concentrates to be a mentally clear experience, depending on your tolerance, but the availability of minor cannabinoid-rich concentrates typically isn’t widely available. I find oils (full spectrum or broad spectrum, avoid isolate) are a great smoke-free option and quick to ingest. With edibles, I recommend lower levels of THC than you normally consume, in my experience they too have a grounding effect.

As we approach the Hunter’s Moon and lean into this powerful time of introspection and transformation, High.onpurpose offers profound insights into the connection between cannabis and spiritual rituals. Whether it’s through Tarot, conscious consumption, or understanding the moon’s cyclical nature, there’s an opportunity for deep reflection and personal growth. Through this conversation, we hope you feel inspired to explore your own connection with these practices and find new ways to elevate your spiritual journey. Check out our full interview on intentional consumption and tolerance breaks with High.onpurpose here, and get more wonderful insights and learn more by following high.onpurpose on Instagram.



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